NAGBW writing contest launches - now accepting entries

05 Aug 2013 5:00 PM | Deleted user

The new North American Guild of Beer Writers announces the launch of its annual competition for writers, bloggers, broadcasters and authors. The Guild is now accepting entries:

NAGBW’s awards honor the best beer and brewing industry coverage in seven categories. Journalism, feature writing, freelance authors, blogs and broadcast or published in print or online are eligible. Online submissions are being accepted through, including books in PDF format. Large files are accepted. If your book is only available in print, please fill out the entry form online, using a letter with shipping info to notify that the books are being shipped. Please send 2 copies of books with a copy of the completed submittable form to Lucy Saunders, attn: NAGBW Awards, 4230 N. Oakland Ave. #178, Shorewood, Wi 53211.

Deadline to apply: August 26, 2013

Beer writing/broadcasts dated between July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 are eligible.

Fee $15 for member entries; $30 for non-member entries.

Questions: Contact NAGBW via the website,

Co-chairs, Jay Brooks (PST) or Don Russell (EST)

NAGBW Awards Director Stan Hieronymus (CST)

NAGBW Director Lucy Saunders (CST)  @lucybeercook or 800-760-5998

Enter soon, and good luck!


  • 12 Aug 2013 12:55 PM | Deleted user

    Two weeks left for submissions. Share, nudge others, and submit your best work!

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